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Valmet Paper Machine Maintenance School

Online Registration Form

Register today

Please complete the form to register for the August 12-15, 2024 Paper Machine Maintenance School.

Classes Start Monday, August 12 at 8:00 a.m. and concludes Thursday, August 15 in the afternoon with Banquet following at 6:30 p.m.

If you have any questions about this form, or wish to register via direct email, fax or telephone call, please contact:

Deedra Heldt
Direct:  608-364-7545

This course is offered on a "first-come, first-served" basis. Seats are limited.

Hotel Accommodations

Hampton Inn Beloit
2700 Cranston Road
Beloit, Wisconsin 53511

Hotel Accommodations Online Booking Link

Please ensure to mention that you are with the Valmet group in order to receive the negotiated group rate.

Payment Information

Please note the following:
For those US customers choosing credit card payment, a Valmet representative will contact you for credit card information.

US Customers
If paying via check, please make check payable to the following address:
Valmet, Inc.
1280 Willowbrook Road
Beloit, Wisconsin 53511

Canadian Customers
If paying via check, please make check payable to the following address:
Valmet, Ltd.
4900 Thimens boul.
Ville St. Laurent, QC
H4R 2B2